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FAQ ID # 77
Last Update : 2015/05/06
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Question / Issue
DataPlus Auto Import not updating Act

Answer / Solution

Auto import is setup for DataPlus using Microsoft Task Scheduler.

The data in Act is not being updated.

Items to check to verify import.

  1. Task Scheduler
    1. Ensure Task is
      1. Enabled
      2. Administrator Username/Password is valid
      3. Status = "Ready"
      4. If multiple DataPlus tasks are scheduled, ensure that the tasks do not overlap time frame
  2. DataPlus Log Files
    1. Server
      1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Hogan Data\DataPlus 4.0\Logs
        1. Verify log files
          1. are being created
          2. time stamp and creation date
        2. Open and review latest log files
          1. Review log entries at the end of file.
            1. Import Complete
              1. This is an indication that the import was successful and complete
            2. No profiles found to import. Stopping.
              1. Profile in "bat" file does not exist, or is wrong
                1. Profile is created in DataPlus Server Configuration. The comment in bat file corresponses with the profile.
                  1. Profile name = CustomerOnly (dpConfiguration)
                  2. Profile reference in bat file = pr:"CustomerOnly"
            3. Another instance of DataPlus Import is already running.
              1. Only one instance of DataPlus Import can be running at the sametime. Ensure the there is plenty of time between scheduled tasks and be sure profile is configured properly
            4. Error: Database is locked. You must log in to ACT! to unlock it.
              1. The Act database is in a locked state and data cannot be imported
            5. Error: Update For Record Failed -- Update Aborted.
              1. Review log entries above the Error message
                1. Examples
                  1. Error: Unable to process row. Reason given was: Unable to get field type for column: ColumnName as requested by "StoredProcedureName:Data Type Not Detected
                  2. New field needs to be created and "Disable Database Locking" is checked or someone is in Act and the data type of field cannot be determined
                  3. Error: Unable to process row. Reason given was: Unable to create contact field: FieldName Reason given was: The database must be locked to apply schema changes.
                    1. New field needs to be created and "Disable Database Locking" is checked or someone is in Act
              2. "Disable Database Locking" is not checked. Therefore DataPlus is trying to lock the Act database and it cannot because someone is logged into Act.
              3. New field needs to be created and "Disable Database Locking" is checked or someone is in Act
            6. Error: Log on information is incorrect.  Please fill in the correct User Name and Password
              1. Login credentials in DataPlus Configuration Manager for Act is incorrect.
    2. DataPlus Configuration Manager

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