Topics > DataPlus Other Accounting Integration > DataPlus 3.0 GT > FAQ ID # 39

FAQ ID # 39
Last Update : 2015/01/08
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Question / Issue
DataPlus 3.0 GT - Server Installation

Answer / Solution
PROGRAM: DataPlus for GT - Server Installation
What you need prior to installation.
  1. MS SQL Server or MS SQL Express instance
    - SQL 2008 Microsoft Download
    - SQL 2005 Microsoft Download
    - Do not use the ACT! instance of SQL
  2. SQL Server Management Studio
What you need for installation.
  1. DataMirrorForPTV0.##-InstallationKit
  2. DataPlus for GT
Approximant Time Table
  • 10 minutes - Documentation Review
  •   5 minutes - Approximent Time for Data Mirror for PT
  •   5 minutes - Approximent Time for Server Installation
  •   2 minutes - Approximent Time for Server Configuration
  • 27 minutes - Total Approximent Time for Server Installation & Configuration
DataPlus for GT Server Installation

DataPlus 3.0 Installation
    Welcome Screen
  1. Double click DataPlus-GT-Install.exe
  2. This will start the DataPlus 3.0 setup wizard.
  3. Click on Next >
    License Agreement
  1. License Agreement
  2. If you agree, click on "I accept the terms in the license agreement"
  3. Click on Next >
    Server Components
  1. If you are going to install just the server component, check "Server Components"
  2. Click on Next >
    Server/Client Components
  1. If you are going to install server and client component, check "Server Components" and "Client Components"
  2. Click on Next >
    Choose Install Location
  1. Click on Install
    Server Credentials
  1. Server Name
  2. DatabaseName (note, this is the database name you originally created. Installer will add additional components. Choose Integrated Security or uncheck for SQL credentials
  3. Click on Next
  1. Database upgraded
  2. Click on Finish
    Installation Complete
  1. Click on Next >
    Server Configuration
  1. CHECK to run Server Configuration
  2. Click on Finish
    Server/Client Configuration
  1. CHECK to run Server Configuration
  2. CHECK to run Client Configuration
  3. Click on Finish
    Server Configuration
    Master Connection Settings
    Database Configuration
  1. DataPlus Server:
  2. DataPlus Database:
  3. SQL User:
  4. SQL Password:
  5. CHECK for Integrated Security
  6. Test Connection
  7. Click on OK

    Application Settings

  8. Report Path: unc Path to CR Reports
  9. Logging Options:
  10. unCHECK Log Warnings
  11. unCHECK Log Notices
  12. unCHECK Log Debugs
  13. Click on Save
  14. Click on Close

DataPlus for GT Scripts
    GT Schema
  1. Execute SQL Script: 1_gt_schema_tables.sql
    GT Schema
  2. Execute SQL Script: 2_gt_project.sql

Date Sources
    Manage - Product Groups
  1. Customer Code - ACTImport from ACT Field "Customer Code"
  2. Vendor Code
  3. Sales Rep - ACTImport from ACT Field "Sales Representative"

    Manage Invoice

  4. Account Type - ACTImport from ACT Field "Account Type"
  5. Vendors
  6. Employees

    Manage Commission

  7. Account Type - dbo.AccountType (Table)
Crystal Reports
    Commission Reports
  1. SR Commission Month disbursement
  2. Date = Invoice Date
  3. Account Type
  4. Sales Rep:
  5. Start Month
  6. End Month

    Manage Invvoice

  7. Account Type
  8. Vendors
  9. Employees

    Manage Commission

  10. Account Type

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