FAQ ID # 97
Last Update : 2015/12/25
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Question / Issue
DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse - Server Installation

Answer / Solution
PROGRAM: DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse - Server Installation
Table of Contents

Prerequisite for individual performing Server Install
IMPORTANT: You should not attempt server installation if you are not experienced with the following:
Microsoft Windows Experience
  • Windows Domain
  • Windows Security
  • Windows Firewall
  • Windows Active Directory
  • Windows User Rights
  • Windows User Configuration
  • Windows Universal Access Control (UAC)
  • Windows Group Policy
  • Windows Local Security Policy
  • Windows Services
  • Windows Ports
Microsoft SQL Experience
  • SQL Server or Express
  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  • SQL Security
Third Party Software
  • Anti-virus installed on network

What you need prior to installation.
    32 Bit OS Operating Systems
  1. Create MS SQL Server or MS SQL Express 32 bit instance
    1. Specify SQL Server administrators
    2. If in Domain environment we recommend adding Domain Administrators
    3. Authentication Mode
    4. Mixed Mode
    5. Make SA enabled
    6. Create sa password and keep for your records
  2. Compatible MS SQL Versions
    1. SQL 2014
    2. SQL 2012
    3. SQL 2008
  3. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  4. SQL Security - User Logins
    1. Windows Login Options (use either type)
      1. Type: Windows User
      2. Type: Windows Group
  5. Internet Information Services (IIS)
  6. Application Development Features
    1. IIS Management Console
    2. .NET Extensibility
    3. ASP.NET
    4. ISAPI Extensions
    5. ISAPI Filters
    6. .NET 4.0 +
    64 Bit Operating Systems
  1. Create MS SQL Server or MS SQL Express 64 bit instance
    1. Specify SQL Server administrators
    2. If in Domain environment we recommend adding Domain Administrators
    3. Authentication Mode
    4. Mixed Mode
    5. Make SA enabled
    6. Create sa password and keep for your records
  2. Compatible MS SQL Versions
    1. SQL 2014
    2. SQL 2012
    3. SQL 2008
  3. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  4. SQL Security - User Logins
    1. Windows Login Options (use either type)
      1. Type: Windows User
      2. Type: Windows Group
  5. Internet Information Services (IIS)
  6. Application Development Features
    1. IIS Management Console
    2. .NET Extensibility
    3. ASP.NET
    4. ISAPI Extensions
    5. ISAPI Filters
    6. .NET 4.0 +
    Installed Software
  1. Version: QuoteWerks 5.0 or higher
    1. Corporate Edition (recommended)
    2. Professional Edition
    3. Standard Edition

  2. dpQWSync Installed, Configured, Executed
Use existing windows/active directory group or create new windows/active group and add users to group. Example: DataPlus

What you need for installation.
  1. DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse installer (DataPlus-dpQWFuse-Install.exe)

Network Environment
Scenario 1
    QuoteWerks installed on Server 1
  • Install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

    QuoteWerks Fuse installed on Server 1

  • Install DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse (Server)
    1. Server Components
    1. Database Components
    2. Master Database
    3. QuoteWerks Fuse Database

    IIS Server 1

  • DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse Website
Scenario 2
    QuoteWerks installed on Server 1
  • Install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

    QuoteWerks Fuse installed on Server 1

  • Install DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse (Server)
    1. Server Components
    1. Database Components
    2. Master Database
    3. QuoteWerks Fuse Database

    IIS Server 2

  • DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse Website

DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse - Server Installation
    Welcome Screen
  1. Right click DataPlus-dpQWFuse-Install.exe and "Run as administrator
  2. This will start the DataPlus 4.0 setup wizard.
  3. Click on Next >
    License Agreement
  1. License Agreement
  2. If you agree, click on "I accept the terms in the license agreement"
  3. Click on Next >
    Server Components
  1. Check Server Components
  2. Check dpQWFuse Components
  3. Check Database Components
    1. Check Master Database
    2. Check dpQWFuse Database
    3. Check dpQWFuse Website
  4. Click on Next >
    Server Credentials
  1. Server Name: ServerName\Instance SQL Instance if applicable
  2. Database Name: dpQWFuse

    Credential Settings

  3. User: sa
  4. Password: password
  5. Check if you want integrated security
  6. Click on Next >
    Installer Notice
  1. Notice informing you of installation.
  2. Click on Yes
    Installer Notice
  1. Database not found.
  2. Click on Yes
  1. Database created
  2. Click on Finish
    Installer Notice
  1. Notice informing you of installation.
  2. Click on Yes
  1. Database updated
  2. Click on Finish
    DataPlus Database Create
  1. Click Next >
    dpQWFuse Configuration
  1. Cllick on Database Mode

    Database Settings
    Server Settings

  2. Server Name: W764-EA\DATAPLUS
  3. Database Name: dpQWFuse

    Windows Authentication

  4. SQL User: sa
  5. SQL Password: password

    Integrated Security

  6. CHECK for Integrated Security

    Testing Connection

  7. Test Connection
  8. Click on OK

DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse - Activation
  1. Activation is based on a subscription model

Installation, configuration, and connection to your QuoteWerks Fuse application is complete.

Related FAQs
DataPlus for QuoteWerks Fuse - Website

Direct Link to This FAQ

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