Topics > DataPlus Other Accounting Integration > DataPlus 3.0 GT > FAQ ID # 46

FAQ ID # 46
Last Update : 2013/05/16
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Question / Issue
DataPlus 4.0, 3.0 Auto Import

Answer / Solution
PROGRAM: DataPlus Auto Import
What you need prior to Configuration.
  1. Microsoft Task Scheduler
    - Task Scheduler msdn
  2. Batch files included in DataPlus installation
  3. Batch File Definition - A batch file is a type of script that contains a list of commands.
    Commands are executed in sequence and can be used to automate processes.
    - Batch File

DataPlus Auto Import
    Batch File
    32 bit
  1. Browse to: C:\Program Files\Hogan Data\DataPlus 4.0\ (or 3.0)
  2. Edit Import-**** (TSD32BIT).bat

    64 bit

  3. Browse to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hogan Data\DataPlus 4.0\ (or 3.0)
  4. Edit Import-**** (TSD64BIT).bat


  5. File is for the "Default" setting configured in DataPlus
  6. A log file will be created after batch file is run
  7. Log file location is under "Logs" folder
  8. After batch file is run, the file name will be time stamped.
  9. Log files will be retained for 14 days.
  10. You can change the day count by modifying -14 to the days you prefer.
    - - Program Files\Hogan Data\DataPlus 4.0\Logs" -s -m *.log -d -14 -c "cmd /c del /Q @path"
  11. Save and close batch file

32 bit Example

:Sample Console Batch File
:Auto-Generated by DataPlus 4.0
@Echo Off
@Echo Log File Location: Logs\LOGFILENAME.log
@Echo Import Starting..

"C:\Program Files\Hogan Data\DataPlus 4.0\DataPlus-Import-Console.exe" /s /co:"????" /pr:"Default" > "C:\Program Files\Hogan Data\DataPlus 4.0\Logs\LOGFILENAME.log"

: Renames the file with time stamp to retain timed log files
@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\Hogan Data\DataPlus 4.0\Logs"
@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/- " %%A IN ('DATE /T') do set dateStr=%%B_%%C_%%D
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=: " %%A IN ('TIME /T') do set timeStr=%%A_%%B_%%C
:: echo %dateStr%
:: echo %timeStr%
set file_name=LOGFILENAME_%dateStr%_%timeStr%.log
ren "LOGFILENAME.LOG" %file_name%

@Echo Delete Files older than 14 days
: Minutes
: Days
forfiles -p "C:\Program Files\Hogan Data\DataPlus 4.0\Logs" -s -m *.log -d -14 -c "cmd /c del /Q @path"

@Echo Log File Location: Logs\LOGFILENAME.log
@Echo Import Complete
@Echo On

    Task Scheduler
  1. Open Task Scheduler
  2. We recommend creating a folder name "DataPlus"

    Schedule a task

  3. Create a scheduled task and point the "Action" to the batch file
    - Schedule a task

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