FAQ ID # 11
Last Update : 2015/01/08
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Question / Issue
DataPlus 3.0 eautomate - Import Settings

Answer / Solution
DataPlus 3.0 - ACT! Import Settings
    Server Configuration
  1. From Windows Start
  2. Browse to: Start/Programs/Hogan Data/DataPlus 3.0/DataPlus Server Configuration
    Master Connection Settings
    Database Configuration
  1. DataPlus Server; ServerName
  2. DataPlus Database; DatabaseName
  3. SQL User: sa
  4. SQL Password: password
  5. Check if you want integrated security
  6. Test Connection
  7. Click on Save

    Application Settings

  8. Report Path:DataPlus 3.0\Reports
    Logging Options:
  9. Check if you want Log Warnings
  10. Check if you want Log Notices
  11. Check if you want Log Debugs
  12. Click on Configure Applications >>
    Application Profiles
  1. Click on EA
    Application Settings
    ACT Credentials
  2. Database; ActDatabaseName click on [..] to browse to database
  3. User Name: ActUserName must be an ACT! administrator
  4. Password: ActPassword
  5. Confirm: ActPassword
  6. Test Connection
  7. Click on OK

    Database Configuration

  8. Database: dpe-automate DataPlus database name
  9. Server: ServerName\Instance SQL Instance if applicable
  10. SQL User: sa
  11. SQL Password: password
  12. Check if you want integrated security
  13. Test Connection
  14. Click on OK
    ACT Import Settings
  1. Import Options:Click on [...]
    Import Options
    General Options
  1. Check Disable Database Locking
  2. UnCheck Limited Notices
  3. UnCheck Ignore Warnings
  4. UnCheck Skip Date Check
  5. UnCheck Exclude Sample Data
  6. UnCheck Disable ACT time globalization
  7. UnCheck Disable SQL time globalization
  8. Set Server Timeout (minutes) (default = 2)

    Entity Options

  9. UnCheck Disable creation of ACT! Contacts
  10. UnCheck Disable creation of ACT! Companies
    Check "Disable creation of ACT! Companies" if you do not want to import Companies in the "Company Level" in ACT!
  11. UnCheck Only Import Primary Contacts
    Check "Only Import Primary Contacts" if you only want to import primary contacts. Contacts that are not listed in the e-automate Company "Attn To" field will not import.
  12. UnCheck Create Fields Only

    Import Selection

  13. UnCheck Only Run Selected Items
  14. UnCheck Remove Selected Items (greyed out, unless Selected Items are checked)

    Advanced Options

  15. UnCheck If you are not using Limited Access in ACT!
  16. Check If you are using Limited Access in ACT!

    Select Users and Teams
    If you are using ACT! Limited Access, you can choose:

  17. Specific ACT! Team(s)
  18. Specific ACT! User(s)

  • If you are not using the ACT! database provided by Hogan Data, for e-automate, when the first import is performed, additional fields may be required. Therefore, uncheck "Disable Database Locking" in order for the additional fields to be created.
  • By default, if the "Sales Representative" in e-automate equals the ACT! User Name in ACT!, the Sales Represetative name will populate the "Sales Representative" field in ACT!, and will also be the ACT! "Record Manager". The names have to be an exact match.

Related FAQs
DataPlus 3.0 eautomate - Server Installation
DataPlus 3.0 eautomate - Client Installation
DataPlus 3.0 eautomate - QuickAccess Instruction

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